Pastili - 有機菩提樹天然蜂巢蜜 340g-歐盟有機認證-保加利亞直送

產地 保加利亞

原裝行貨,保加利亞直送,100%信心保證! 100%有機蜂巢蜜(歐盟有機認證) 不含農藥,抗生素和其他環境化學品。


Linden Honeycomb

Our premium linden honeycomb comes straight from the hive and is the healthiest and most raw form of honey available. Produced in one of the cleanest mountain regions in Bulgaria and packaged in strictly controlled process this product is a delicacy of nature with a piece of soul from the bees. Linden honey is a premiere honey that has been used for thousands of years. It is considered as remedy of life and health.

Pastili - 有機菩提樹天然蜂巢蜜 340g-歐盟有機認證-保加利亞直送

  • 型 號: Bio0006
  • 庫存狀態: 有現貨

  • HK$299.0 /