產地 : 保加利亞
原裝行貨,保加利亞直送,100%信心保證! 100%有機蜂蜜(歐盟有機認證) 不含農藥,抗生素和其他環境化學品。
Lavender BioHoney
Lavender honey is a wonderful taste experience with delicate fragrance. It is an unique variety of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes and amino acids. This impressive composition makes lavender honey an excellent energizing food with antibacterial action, beneficial on
health, great for skin care. Lavender honey contains the primary amino acid of our body – tyrosine. This makes it very useful for treat depression, anxiety and chronic fatigue. Furthermore, this type of honey is a fine delicacy spreadable on toast, biscuits, pancakes, waffles – a pleasure at breakfast to relax you and promote a perfect day.